Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Golfing World

Our Featured Golf Article

Instantly slash you golf score by creating perfect impact!

Tips To Improve Your Golfing

By: Jimmy Cox

A fine and experienced golfer is not necessarily a good teacher of the game. Why? Because many cracks do not know how they play themselves - when it comes to anything like a close analysis of their shots - and they have no idea at all of how a beginner must feel in order to make the shots that they make.

Let me illustrate that last point, because it is fundamental to teaching and to learning. All crack players feel that they swing from in-to-out when driving. I have been doing this so long that it no longer feels a "guided" or unnatural swing to me. Indeed if I feel myself making any other sort of swing I know it will result in a bad shot.

Yet with the beginner this in-to-out golf swing does feel unnatural and gives an impression that the ball will be pushed into the rough to the right. This feeling will of course be corrected by experience. This disparity in feeling about shots as between the crack and the beginner must never be lost sight of in teaching.

Every teacher has to keep continually in mind the fact that the natural thing for any golfer to do if he thinks first of hitting the ball to the hole rather than of making the shot correctly - is to swing the club head down the desired line of flight. The urge to do this is so strong that a merely academic knowledge of where the club head ought to be felt to go cannot stand against it. William James said that where there is a conflict between the Will and the Imagination, the Imagination always wins.

So no Will to make a correct swing - unless reinforced by our conscious control-can resist, when imagination of the ball flying straight for the hole supervenes. What usually happens is that before the back swing is completed, the player transfers his attention from the matter of making the correct swing to the matter of where he wants to hit the ball, i.e., somewhere at the top of his swing he switches from a correct in-to-out swing to one along the desired line of flight. Consequently he comes down outside the ball.

It is quite useless to tell a pupil he has done wrong when acting instinctively unless you tell him why he did wrong and so enable him to avoid the fault in future. That I always do.

The player who comes down outside is almost invariably thinking of where he wants to put the ball, and the only effective way of overcoming his trouble is by getting him to concentrate on the swing that experience tells him will place it there. If this is done his conscious control - his feeling for the right movements, plus a steady intention to follow will inhibit his natural desire to take disastrous short cuts.

A swing must be built up which can be accepted by the mind as well as the muscles as a satisfactory means to the end desired, and then concentrating on the production of that swing. With a properly felt swing, the swing becomes the aim and the matter of where the ball will fly is left (as it should be) to take care of itself.

And finally, the good golfer feels his swing as all one piece. It is produced by a psycho-physical unison and its control is outside the mind of the player. Any control that is within the mind is subject to the state of the mind and is therefore unreliable.

A single sound line of controls is set up if the student has consistently practiced the same fundamental swing for every shot. Working on these lines and refusing to be side-tracked by extraneous ideas such as "hitting a long ball" or "driving straight down the middle," you can begin to feel a complete assurance that you can at least rely upon producing your best shots every time. They will become a habit with you.

Discover The Secrets To Learning Golf And Improve Your Game Almost Immediately! Click here for FREE online Ebook

Tips About Golf Club

Burton Golf Bags

Speed Controls Distance. The seemingly obvious fact that the sand (not the club) moves the ball out of the bunker is often misunderstood. To control the distance your bunker shots travel, you have to be able to manage the speed of the sand, which isn�t as difficult as you might imagine. The length of the swing is irrelevant�it�s the speed of the clubhead that really matters. Practice pitching sand out of a bunker until you can consistently control how far it goes, and only then add a golf ball to the equation.
Save money with some great bargains on golf wholesale lots!

Ping Putters

Drivers. The latest technology has enabled drivers to be oversized, to a maximum legal size of 460 cc. Most oversizes are made of titanium or a composite of titanium/non-metals which makes them very lightweight. Manufacturers are making some heads square in shape, which allows for a bigger forgiving area on the clubface which helps to make your mis-hits stay straighter. Some companies are incorporating movable weights to their drivers so you can change the type of ball flight you want.
Carry your golf clubs with distinction with a new Ogio golf stand bag!

Titanium Fairway Woods

A golf tip for a golfer that plans to regrip his clubs: Be cautious. This is because the grips are the only contact points one can access to affect the shot. Before carrying out the regripping, know the core grip of the club and your hands grip size. To determine your core size grip, measure the diameter of the butt of the shaft you're going to re-grip. The shaft's diameter should match the grip's core diameter. In determining your hands grip, the available size grips are regular, mid-size, oversize and jumbo. Use only the best re-gripping materials that will provide optimum performance for your golf clubs.
Improve your golf game with a new fairway woods head today!

Golf Club Irons

Something important to keep in mind: You are under no obligation to buy your new clubs from the pro who gave you your clubfitting. It is perfectly OK to take the specs you've received and shop around for a better price. However, if you do this, make sure you have all the necessary data. The fitter should be able to provide you with every measurement needed.
Improve your golf swing with a great golf training aid!

Headline News About Golf

Collegiate Players Make Titleist Overwhelming #1 Golf Ball

Thu, 08 Jun 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Titleist Also Tops Tee-to-Green Equipment Categories at Men's Championship.


Mon, 05 Mar 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Mark Wilson Captures Honda Classic in Four-Player All-Pro V1 Playoff; 20-Year Old Anton Haig Wins Johnnie Walker Classic Against World-Class Field


Golf Universe

Our Latest Golf Article

Destroy your golf slice in a matter of minutes using this revolutionary new system!

Golf Tips - Good Gear and Sportsmanship

By: Trevor Mulholland

If you are just getting into the sport of golf, you have probably heard thousands of golf tips from well-meaning golfers. However, what many golfers fail to realize is that many of the golf tips that work well for one golfer, simply do not work well for another. Here are some golf tips that work well for everyone.

As a beginner, do not rush out and buy a set of high priced clubs. Buy a set of used clubs, or better yet rent your clubs. Take a little time to see if you really enjoy the game of golf, and if you will stick to it first. The used or rented clubs won�t be the top of the line, but they will get you through several games of golf to see if you are going to stick with it. This is also a good opportunity to start researching exactly what clubs you need when you are ready to buy a new set.

Golf is fun, but the sport should not be taken lightly. It is a sport � it isn�t just a bunch of retired men knocking a ball around. It takes a great deal of skill and technique to master the game. The pros you see on television make it look quite simple � but it isn�t. The concepts you will learn from more experienced golfers will sound easy � and look easy � in theory, but in practice, they are quite difficult. The sooner you realize this, the faster you will start to improve your game.

While golf does require skill and technique, it is still meant to be enjoyed and the experience should be relaxing. If you get angry over bad shots or you find that you are not enjoying the game, you should back up and re-evaluate your reasons for playing the game. Try to look at things from a new perspective. It is a game that tests your skill � but it should not test your patience!

Choose your golf aids carefully. A great deal of money can be wasted on aids, courses, and videos that turn out to not be any help at all. When possible, buy used aids, courses, and videos. Save your golfing money for more important things � like clubs, balls, and tees! Used clubs aren�t very good � used training equipment usually works quite well.

Golf is great exercise. Riding in a golf cart defeats that purpose though. Walk, don�t ride! Save the cart for the days when you really are too old to walk a short distance � take advantage of the exercise that you will get by walking from one tee to the next, and take the time to actually enjoy the walk!

Alcohol is often served at the clubhouse � but you should wait until you finish your round of golf before consuming any. First, the alcohol will greatly alter your game. Second, alcohol is a dehydrating substance, and this isn�t safe in the hot sun. Carry water with you during your game, and make sure you drink plenty of it!

Becoming good at the game takes a lot of practice. Use your practice sessions to learn what mistakes you are making, and work to correct them. Don�t just keep making the same mistakes over and over, thinking that it doesn�t matter, or that it is too hard to learn! If you�re going to play, play to win!

Use training aids, and if possible, video tape yourself playing a round of golf, making sure that you get close up shots of you teeing off, close up shots of the club hitting the ball on the tee-off, and even shots of you putting. Have a friend run the camera for you for best results, and review the tape in slow motion to see what needs the most work.

The most important golf tips you will ever receive are the ones that focus on good sportsmanship. Never make fun of other players. Some people do look funny playing golf � but those funny looking people can probably beat every aspect of your game, and they will have the last laugh. Be respectful of your fellow golfers, and listen closely to the advice of the seasoned players. provides you with information on the best golf tips available, instructions on how to get your strokes down and much more!

Hints On Golf Putters

The shove type: The word shove is misleading. An actual shove is illegal. It's only a feel. What gives this shove feel is the stroke is made with a very short backswing and a long followthrough. The advantage of this type of stroke is the shorter the backswing, the less chance of error.
...World Golf

Driving Irons Golf

All golfers should use standard length clubs unless he or she is short or tall. Standard length clubs allow players to hit the ball on center a higher percentage of the time, thus increasing distance and accuracy. In recent years, light weight Titanium driver heads and Ultralight graphite shafts have extended driver playing lengths from a standard 43-431/2" to 44-46". This is good news and bad news. The good news is, when you increase length, you will increase distance. The longer the club, the more club head speed generated , thus more distance. The bad news is, the longer the club the more difficult it is to control, thus less accuracy. To put this into perspective, the following information will be helpful. A driver hit on center at 43" = 250 yds. 43 1/2"= 262 yds. 44" = 270 yds. 44 1/2" = 275 yds. 45" = 275-280 yds. As you can see a significant increase in distance is achieved up to 44". After 44", distance increases only a minimal amount . CONCLUSION - It is not worth sacrificing accuracy for the minimal amount of distance gained past 44". Keep driver playing lengths to 44" or less
Improve your golf clubs with new golf shafts from our online store.

Headline News About Golf

Relax but Attack Golf Tips


All The News About Golf

Our Featured Golf Writer

Discover How Golfers Use This Simple Golf Swing eBook And Audio Course As Their Secret Training Tool In Their Quest For Lower Scores.

How To Lower Your Golf Handicap Quickly

By: Mary Chillders

Learning how to lower your golf scores can be quite a challenging task. For most high handicap players the short game presents the best opportunity to shoot lower scores. Mastering the wedge game and putting may be the fastest way to play better golf.

However there is no magic solution to playing better golf since it will still require consistent practice. You do not need to spend hours and hours practicing each day. One hour of practice done four to five times a week can often be enough to see good improvements. Be sure to spend a lot of time on short shots inside of 120 yards.

These shots can make a huge difference in reducing your scores. Also remember that the longer shots are simply an extension of the shorter shots so if you are struggling with your wedge then you will almost certainly also struggle with the longer clubs. This is another big reason you need to hit more short game shots as this will also make you a better ball striker with the longer clubs.

Many of the top players in the world first learned how to putt, chip and hit wedge shots before they learned the driver and long irons. Also being confident in the short game also will take pressure off your long game since you will not be too concerned even if you miss occasionally since you have a great short game that can help you to get up and down most of the time.

Putting is a very important aspect of the game of golf. Hit a lot of short putts as they are very important in reducing your scores. Also when you do hit many short putts you will inevitably make a lot of them and this will help to build confidence. Never lose your confidence when you are on the green or anywhere else on the golf course otherwise this will adversely affect every area of your golf game.

You must learn to focus on all the great shots and putts you have ever hit instead of all the misses. Thinking of yourself as a great golfer is critical especially if you are looking to become a tournament professional because success at that level is all about how you think and your ability to build and maintain confidence.

It is important to learn how to think when you are about to strike the golf ball. Just before hitting a golf shot your mind must be focused on a target. You need to block out all other external thoughts and stay sharply concentrated on the target. Before you hit any shot pick a small target and then hit your shots with the target in mind.

You must trust your swing and putting stroke when you are on the course. Train your swing and putting stroke off the course but then you need to believe in your game on the course. Also when you are on the golf course, always play within yourself and hit the shot you know you can pull off easily. Do not try shots you have never been able to hit consistently during practice sessions.

Sometimes backing off on a hole and laying up can be the best thing to do in order to shoot lower scores so do not get caught up in trying to hit heroic shots. The professionals on television can hit those flashy shots because they have practiced them and they know they can pull them off but the same does not apply to most amateurs. Keep practicing and learning from your experience and in time you will lower your golf handicap.

Mary is an online researcher and avid golfer. Visit her site to get more useful golf tips

More Information On Golf Drivers

Weighted Practice Club
Swing one of these properly (smoothly), and your technique will improve, just like Vijay's does.
...Golf Tips magazine

First-Class Travel Bag
Be sure to check out Club Glove's Last Bag�it's indestructible.
...Golf Tips magazine

Add More Wedges
It's easier to fill distance gaps with new wedges than with tons of practice.
...Golf Tips magazine

Today's Golf News

Titleist Sets Standard As The Overwhelming Tee-To-Green Equipment Choice at 2006 U.S. Junior Amateur Championship

Mon, 24 Jul 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Tops Golf Ball Count with 138 of 156 Players in Field
