Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Golf Clubs Updates

Featured Golf Article

You will find a lot of easy tips and techniques in this eBook to quickly transform your golf game and add 20 yards to your drive!

Golf Success - Your Own Style

By: Carlie Edwards

Developing your own golfing style, do you really need to? Seems like an obvious statement, but sometimes beginners think they just need to imitate a professional golf player, and they'll instantly have golf success. There are no shortcuts to becoming a good golfer so obviously the above statement is incorrect.

Since no two people are ever the same. We obviously do not swing at the golf ball in exactly the same way either. You'll see this example the next time you're at the driving range, watching row after row of people slapping away at the ball. You'll soon see that this is very true. Since each person has his or her own unique body built. We develop our own individual set of muscles, therefore, if you are to look at the different size and shape of people, the way they swing their club can be as different as night and day. Because each person has unique sets of muscles they will also have a unique swing.

Because golf is an individual sport, you'll find your own style of playing that will produce the best results for you, which also contribute to the enjoyment of your game.

In the game of golf sometimes imitation is not necessarily the best way to go. You can try to copy someone else's style but that doesn't necessarily mean it will work for you. You may be better off with a professional coach and a few lessons, this may help you to find your own groove and help you make the necessary corrections to your own swing. Should you decide to try professional coaching try to hire someone that will work with you and your natural swing ability, rather than have someone that tries to teach you a general rule that may not necessarily fit your style.

When looking for professional coaches always try to find someone that is a top-notch player and teacher is well. A professional should actually be able to show you how to get out of the sand trap, hit a fade, or the proper way to putt from the fringe. The optimal situation would be to find a teacher that would understand your natural abilities, and then adjust their advice to suit your specific needs.

Now that you are ready to get started playing the game it's important not to think too much before taking your shot. Some people will stand so long over the ball trying to remember everything the coaches taught them, you'll wonder how they'll ever get through the entire golf course. It's impossible to make a shot if your mind is trying to think of everything you've been taught such as, your grip, where are your feet, where is the ball and so on. If you make a bad shot, don't worry about it. You always have another chance to take the shot again, just take the shot and try to use your natural way of doing things. Don't keep changing your style just because you had a bad game, this is one of the worst things that you could do.

There are however some fundamental principles that you need to observe.

There are a couple of tips that will help you improve your personal game.

Balance is the most important foundation that you need no matter what type of shot you're making. Keeping your balance is critical when you strike the ball.

Don't rush yourself on this, unless you're a professional, you should take all the time you need. By taking your time, you will develop a method that works best for you.

Golf is like anything else in life, it takes time and it takes practice. Be patient and try doing everything as naturally as you possibly can. You'll find yourself getting your first birdie, your first chip in for par, and before you know it you'll be breaking 80 on a regular basis.

Carlie Edwards publishes articles & useful resources on golf visit

Thoughts On Golf

You've heard that a golf-specific workout will help you get more distance, so you're pumping iron, jogging religiously, stretching - but you still haven't gained any distance off the tee. What's the deal? An exercise program will indeed help you gain distance, but you also need to have good swing technique to take advantage of your strength and flexibility. news

Used Golf Irons

Level Legs. The lack of traction in bunkers forces the legs to function differently than they do on full shots�they must maintain their flex during the entire swing instead of posting up through impact. This will keep you nice and level through the shot.
Improve your grip with great golf gloves for men before you hit the links again!

You can�t fire a gun unless you pull the trigger, right? A similar concept also applies to the golf swing, which also usually requires a �trigger move� to get the body moving. Now, not everyone has a trigger, some manage to swing well from a static position to a dynamic position. But for the rest of us who often find confusion when it comes to where to start the golf swing, a trigger move can help you start swinging in a fluid and consistent manner. news

Take Off Like A Jumper
A correctly timed pivot will cause the left leg to straighten just after impact, like a ski jumper launching into the air. This maximizes distance.
...Golf Tips magazine

To keep other body movements from moving the swing center keep your weight to the inside of your feet. Never allow this weight to transfer outside as this will pull you out of position. Allow the rotation of the shoulders and arms to carry the club to the top of the backswing. These are some key points that will give you feedback in understanding how to feel the proper swing center.

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A Great Indoor Putting Greens Resource.

Our Featured Golf Article

Instantly slash your golf score by creating perfect impact!

Golf Tips To Improve Your Game

by Lee MacRae

The following tips have been gleaned from various sources over the years. We hope you enjoy them.

Throughout the entire swing you should let your body swing your arms, much like swinging a heavy ball at the end of a chain. If you keep your elbows together and in front of your center (the upper part of your body) in the hitting area centrifugal force will create club head speed. The faster you can move the body in the forward swing without sacrificing a smooth rhythmic tempo the more club head speed you will develop. The left arm will rotate and the right arm will extend and cross over the left, just as a home run hitter's arms react. It is imperative that you keep the body moving to the finish. Otherwise the arms and hands will deliver prematurely.

A great way to keep the clubhead traveling down the target line after contact is to think of yourself as hitting two balls. Imagine a ball is positioned about 18 inches to 2 feet to the left [or right if you are left-handed] of the actual ball. After you hit the real ball, hit the imaginary ball as well, and to do that, you must have a full extension on the follow-through

I've seen people use the rule that the bottom of the ball (top of the tee) should be level with the top of your driver clubface when placed at rest on the ground. Considering the size of modern-day driver clubfaces, this can seem quite high. But teeing the ball higher reduces the distance the clubface will be from your body when striking the ball, reducing the error of a mis-hit. A half inch or so may not seem like a big deal, but considering how off your shot can be when your clubface is off even a fraction of an inch at impact, every bit helps.

These simple golf driving tips have proved effective in helping many golfers around the world improve their drives off the tee. Simply apply what you have read here to your own circumstances. Here's to your own improvement!

Practice your putting stroke with a great golf home putting green today!

Let's Talk About Golf

Ping Putters

Looking to improve your golf swing? The majority of amateur golfers are. Possibly you suffer from a golf slice, or hook. Maybe you've bought every golf swing trainer you could get your hands on and still aren't seeing the improvement you'd hoped for. If any of this sounds like you then you're the person this site is for. I was a struggling golfer, trying to find the perfect golf swing. I'd had swing analysis done, met with golf instructors, and even bought the latest greatest golf software. None of which seemed to be lowering my handicap the way I wanted it to. The fact of the matter is, once I finally found the one item that helped me it turned out I was going about my swing improvement all wrong.
Get greater distance on your drives with great Callaway golf balls.

Used Golf Irons

Posture Not Perfect. Unless you�re young or unusually flexible, you�re not going to look like Tiger Woods at address. Stay relaxed rather than forcing your back straight.
Buy yourself some new golf headcovers and protect your clubs today!

To develop the best possible grip for you. Every golfer swings and grips the club differently. Over 90 percent of golfers use the Vardon or overlapping grip. Players with smaller hands sometimes find the interlocking grip, with the little finger of the right hand interlocked with the index finger of the left hand, works best for them. Players with smaller should use a baseball type grip.
...Golf Instruction Guide

The off-season is also a good time to renew your equipment, in particular your clubs. If you start practicing with your new clubs during winter you have more time to get used to them, rather than having to struggle in spring when the 'serious' golf season starts again. Another reason to stock up during winter is that prices are usually at their lowest, with many merchants offering off-season and (post-)holiday specials.
...PGA Tour

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