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Tips To Improve Your Golf Game

by Lee MacRae

Here are some great tips to help improve your game from tee-off to the final hole.

Today's equipment and balls are not tailored necessarily for 7 - 8 degree drivers. That is a thing of the past. Getting the ball up in the air on a good trajectory is the first step to driving the ball longer. Many touring pros regurlaly use 9 and 10 degree drivers and drive the ball 300 plus yards. Plus, you will get much more consistency with a more lofted driver.

Years ago driver club heads, and clubfaces, were much smaller, resulting in a much smaller sweet-spot. The driver heads simply were not large enough to warrant a higher tee height. General rule of thumb says to tee the ball up so that the top half of the ball is above the clubface when the club is resting in starting position on the ground. Naturally with a bigger club head, you need to tee the ball higher to achieve the top half ratio. This will ensure you are still striking the ball with the center of the club head.

These three key factors may persuade you to hit an iron instead of a driver from the tee

1. The design of the whole
2. The weather
3. The state of your golf swing

"Design" refers to the breadth of the fairway, the length of the hole, and sometimes the direction of the hole. If the fairway is narrow, an iron should give you a better chance of hitting it [a fairway wood is not a bad choice either, in this instance]. If the is short, and you don't need maximum distance from the tee to give you a short iron to the green, go for the iron. In fact, unless you can drive the green, ideally you want to be between 75 and 100 yards back, as that will allow you a full wedge shot. Last, if the hole doglegs to the left or right at a point where a well hit drive would travel through the turn and into the rough beyond, then you should take just enough club to reach the turn - an iron, in other words. It's a good idea to use an iron in the windy weather simply because it's an easier club to control. Control is more important than distance in any weather, but especially in the windy stuff. If you're not making solid contact, or are spraying the ball with the driver, go with an iron. Once you regain your confidence, work back to the driver.

Remember that your golf eqiupment is not the whole story. Techinique plays a large part in how long and straight you drive the ball. Diligently practice using tips like these and your will see a great deal of improvement in your teee shots.

Improve your golf game with a great golf training aid today!

Some Quick Golf Information

Set up with the ball near your front foot, the club face square to the target line and your eyes over the ball. It is important to keep your hands level or ahead of the ball through the stroke.
...BBC golf

The key to hitting the ball farther with the modern driver and golf ball (which spins much less off of a flat face than balls of the past) is high launch combined with a low spin rate. Our goal is to get enough spin to achieve lift, while minimizing (hopefully eliminating) drag. news

The key to hitting the ball farther with the modern driver and golf ball (which spins much less off of a flat face than balls of the past) is high launch combined with a low spin rate. Our goal is to get enough spin to achieve lift, while minimizing (hopefully eliminating) drag.
...Golf Help

Keep Your Hands Low
Limiting the height of the followthrough will effectively reduce the height of your shots. The lower the hands, the lower the ballflight. Moving the ball back in your stance or choosing a stronger club and trying to swing easy are other ways to accomplish the same thing, but they're less reliable and more difficult to execute. Instead, keep your hands low in the finish (compare the two photos at right), and the trajectory of your shots will be lower.
...Golf Tips magazine

Headline News About Golf

Iron Fitting: Dave Patton

Tue, 10 Jan 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Titleist believes that each and every player should be well-fit for the clubs they play. This is the story of how Dave Patton, a competitive golfer with a near-scratch handicap, was fit for new irons by Jerry Smith, a head pro in Pennsylvania.


Thu, 24 Jan 2008 00:00:00 GMT
Provide Two Distinct Approaches to Distance for Average and Recreational Golfers

Irwin, Han Win with Titleist on Champions, LPGA Tours

Wed, 05 Oct 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Three more wins this week advances Titleist's worldwide golf ball victory count to 134, over 100 more than the nearest competitor with 29.

Iron Fitting: Dave Patton

Tue, 10 Jan 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Titleist believes that each and every player should be well-fit for the clubs they play. This is the story of how Dave Patton, a competitive golfer with a near-scratch handicap, was fit for new irons by Jerry Smith, a head pro in Pennsylvania.

Performance Promotion Pays Off at 84 Lumber Classic for Titleist Pro V1x Player

Mon, 19 Sep 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Against a strong field that boasted four of this year's top six money leaders, the 84 Lumber Classic champion relied upon the Titleist Pro V1x golf ball en route to a one stroke victory and his first career PGA Tour title.

golf putters

Golf Swing Aid Updates

Golf Article Of The Month

You will find a lot of easy tips and techniques in this eBook to quickly transform your golf game and add 20 yards to your drive!

Some Golf Tips

by Lee MacRae

Read along as we offer up some great tips to improve your game of golf.

Jack Nicklaus has often said that one his swing keys is to keep his clubhead traveling along the target line [an imaginary straight line between ball and target] as long as possible. It's a good thought, and because it helps you extend through the ball on the follow-through instead of "quitting" at impact, that is, not completing the follow-through. To keep the clubhead down the target line, imagine the target line extending toward your target and then focus on keeping the clubhead traveling along that line.

Your driver is the longest club in your bag. That means you have that much more distance between your hands and the ball at impact. Playing into the tip above about teeing the ball higher, you want to make sure that when you address the ball before your swing, that you are allowing your arms to stretch enough at impact. What I mean is that as you swing, and you continue through your downswing, your arms "stretch". It's like that "trick" you learn when you're younger where you stand by a wall and extend your arms and fingertips so that they just barely touch the wall. Put your arms down to rest and then reach up again and you should be able to easily touch the wall. The same concept applies. As you swing, your arms will naturally stretch a bit due to speed and gravity. So if you set up the ball in the middle of the clubface at rest, on your swing you may be apt to hit the ball on the heel of the club. Setting up the ball more towards the toe of the clubface should allow you to hit the ball more on the sweet-spot.

Warm up and stretch your muscles before you tee off. If you have ever been to a live pro golf event you will notice that the golfers don't just arrive at the course and immediately head to the tee box. Instead they go to the driving range, stretch for awhile and then hit some balls. It is a fact that when your muscles are warmed up they perform better and in turn positively influence your golf swing. So try to arrive at the golf course a few minutes early to loosen up and take a few swings.

Work on these tips and make sure you tee off with a positive mindset. The more you practice and implement what you learn, the more confidence you will gain in your ability to hit it straight and long. And watch your scores begin to plummet!

To get a great golf training aid to improve your game go to golf training aids online!

Some Quick Golf Information

I can�t tell you how many people come to my lesson tee and say, �If I could just get rid of my baseball swing, then all my problems would be solved!� My initial thought is always: I wish you had a baseball swing, because it would help you play better golf. news

Low-Cost Alternatives
If golf sounds like a great idea, the sticking point to getting started can all too often be cost. After all, you need clubs, balls, tees, and in the case of many clubs a strict dress code must be adhered to that makes entry into the sport appear prohibitive. However, it is essential that such enthusiasm should be nurtured by means of the opportunities afforded by low-cost alternatives. So why not start out by identifying the location of the local driving range, or a municipal course run by the council that will be relatively cheap in terms both of green fees and the hire of clubs.
...mastering golf UK

Find Your Swing Plane
You can swing on an upright or flat plane and be effective. However, if you want to be neutral, keep your left arm running up through your left shoulder at the top.
...Golf Tips magazine

More Golf News

Major Victory for Ogilvy, Titleist

Mon, 19 Jun 2006 00:00:00 GMT

Calf Flexibility

Mon, 03 Apr 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Calf flexibility would have to top my list of the most influential muscle that can alter a golfer’s swing and is usually totally overlooked.

Special Report: Equipment

Tue, 14 Mar 2006 00:00:00 GMT
The following Special Report on golf equipment was published in the March, 2006 issue of PGA Magazine. It has been reprinted with permission.


Golf Gift Information And More

Our Featured Golf Writer

Golf Beginner Guide
The Golf Beginner Guide is an eBook filled with info for the beginning golfer. Get it today!

Golf Grips And Full Release Grips

by David G. Petten

Grips are the most important equipment of golf club. Golf grips which provides faster grip lose is considered to be best golf grips. There are different companies in the market that manufactures the golf grips keeping needs of the golfers in mind. Experts recommend frequent change of golf grips to avoid disadvantages of your used golf grips which may be lead to loosing your grip due to hardening, oxidizing or grips getting slick. It is always better to change your golf grip either after 3,000 rounds or once in six months.

Introduction of full release golf grips is considered to be the biggest change in the golf club during last century. Full release golf grips help you in improving you game. Full release golf grip enables you to hit straighter and farther. It also gives you advantage of improving accuracy, confidence and distance. You will find number of golf grips available for sale in the market. You have wide range to choose from. Golf grips and full release golf grips are manufactured according to the approved specifications. Full release golf grips facilitate you in full release of the golf club and to achieve club head speed at its optimum.

Following are the some examples of full release golf grips. *X-line full release golf grip: This golf grip is made up of smooth rubber. You have the option to either purchase it singly or are available in the set of 13 set golf kit. *X-line cord golf grip: *X-wrap full release golf grip: These x-line grips are also made up of smooth rubber. *2 color wrap full release golf grip *Designer wrap full release golf grip: These golf grips are made from soft polyurethane. These are tacky wrap golf grips. Designer wrap full release golf grips are available in two types names Wrap designer red golf grip and wrap designer blue red grips. These designer grips are known for their property of becoming tackier where the weather is inclement. *Reverse design golf grips

Generally these full release golf grips are available in golf grip sets. A golf grip kit consisting of grip tape, visuals (video) and instructions for use of golf grips is always accompanied with the golf grips.

Full release golf grips manufactured according to Taperedo Technology specifications are like that of baseball bat grip, thinner at the top end and thicker at bottom end. Patents confirmed golf grips permits you easy release that enhances swing speed of club and gives you improved game touch.

Following are the few salient features of full release golf grips: *Full release golf grips help you in professional players like proper finger tip grip. This helps you in improving your game. *Full release golf grips provide you with enhanced distance and speed of club head. *Full release golf grip helps you in improving your short game. *Full release golf grips allow you powerful release without changing swing weight. *Golf grip reduces hooks and dispersion in slice-shots.

Full release golf grips have displaced the traditional grips. It is felt that these full release golf grips will become more popular in near feature considering the benefits it offers to improve your golf game.

Golf Grips

Golf Snippets

Keeping the clubface angle square to the target after impact breaks down the left wrist, restricting the left arm rotation. These faults set up a chain reaction creating other faults. The lack of arm rotation affects both clubface direction and angle,resulting in both loss of accuracy and distance. Finally, your swing is going at such a high speed that it's a physical impossibilty for you to even attempt to make any adjustments so commit yourself to doing the right things properly in your setup and takeaway because after that things are out of your control.
...LPGA tips

Keep Your Hands Low
Limiting the height of the followthrough will effectively reduce the height of your shots. The lower the hands, the lower the ballflight. Moving the ball back in your stance or choosing a stronger club and trying to swing easy are other ways to accomplish the same thing, but they're less reliable and more difficult to execute. Instead, keep your hands low in the finish (compare the two photos at right), and the trajectory of your shots will be lower.
...Golf Tips magazine

The club is indirectly tied to the shoulders, therefore shoulder movement will determine the direction the club will travel.
...US Open

The key to hitting the ball farther with the modern driver and golf ball (which spins much less off of a flat face than balls of the past) is high launch combined with a low spin rate. Our goal is to get enough spin to achieve lift, while minimizing (hopefully eliminating) drag.
...Golf Help

Short practice sessions regularly are better than one long period. Practice, and good repetition, will teach your muscles to learn to feel - creating your own internal dialog from within that you, and only you, can describe to yourself.
...Golf Instruction Guide

Headline News About Golf

Victory Was in the Bag

Mon, 21 May 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Titleist Ambassadors Zach Johnson and Ryuji Imada Finish 1-2 in AT&T Classic Playoff

Padraig Harrington Wins Irish Open with New Pro V1x

Titleist Tour Report - Verizon Heritage

Sun, 16 Apr 2006 00:00:00 GMT
This week's Titleist Tour Report is direct from the Verizon Heritage.


Tue, 31 Jan 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Loren Roberts Trusts Titleist for Second Straight Win on Champions Tour

Kim, Harrington Post Fantastic Finishes with Titleist Pro V1x

Tue, 28 Jun 2005 00:00:00 GMT

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The Best Information on Golf Swing Aid

Featured Golf Article

If you want a great golf swing then get this Simple Golf Swing eBook

Which Golf Clubs Are For You?

By: Lee MacRae

With so many different makes and types of golf clubs on the market, it is no wonder beginners, let alone the more experienced golfer, can become easily confused when it comes to buying clubs.

Follow along as we examine what is available on the market today and what they can do for you...and your golf game.

To begin with, it should be noted that ordinary, everyday golf clubs will work for virtually anybody standing between 5 feet and six feet tall. And it doesn't matter if you are male or female, the general rule applies. Everyone else will want to consider having clubs made to fit.

Cast or Forged Golf Club?

For most golfers, the standard cast iron clubs are the proper way to go.

Why do we say that? Very simply because standard cast iron clubs tend to have a larger "sweet spot". That term refers to the area in the middle of the face of the club head where the ball should be struck for maximum distance and accuracy. The larger the "sweet spot" on a club face, the more area you have to strike the ball well. Being a little off center will not affect your shot to any great degree. Beginners especially benefit from that standard cast iron feature. Their swing is not as consistant as a seasoned golfer or a pro and so they have an easier time driving the ball well with a larger sweet spot at their disposal. That is why clubs like "Big Bertha" came on the market. The large oversized head obviously gives a much larger sweet spot than a normal driver. Average golfers get longer and straighter drives on a more consistant basis.

By contrast, forged iron golf clubs are "harder to hit" a good shot with as they have a smaller sweet spot.

So why would people buy a forged iron golf club?

Well, because they are made of a softer steel, they offer a better "feel" on each and every shot. The more experienced golfers can use this feel to great advantage, shaping their shots, even curving them intentionally when the circumstances require it. So, in effect, they trade off the larger sweet spot for the shot shaping feel of a forged iron club.

The next thing to look at is the shaft itself. Will we get one made from steel? Or will it be a composite material?

The crucial touchstone here is club head speed. An ordinary duffer on the links will have a club head speed in the range of 80-94 mph. Generating lower speeds typically implies you should use a shaft of composite material . Slower swing speeds mean less distance on your shots. Not a good thing. And that is where the composite shaft material comes in. The composite shaft will give you longer drives than you will normally get with your low swing speed and steel shafted golf clubs.

By contrast, those with good distances on their shots, will fare much better by using a steel shaft that will give them some touch and control on their shots.

Visit your local golf pro shop or look for a store that offers custom work and they will help you to determine your own club head speed and which type of shaft you should use. Or you can buy one of the many swing speed radar devices on the market and clock your speed yourself.

With just these few starting tips, it is usually best if you rent a few different sets of clubs as you play and take note of how each club helps or hinders your game. You are looking to determine your personal strengths and weaknesses. Try the various types and kinds of clubs available to you and, in time, you will be able to narrow in on what will work best for you and which clubs offer the best advantages to improve your golf score.

If you implement these tips and work on them, you will be certain to develop a better drive within a short period of time. Just keep on practicing and working on your improvement. It's only a matter of time before your scores begin to drop.

Improve your golf game with a great golf training aid today!

Let's Talk About Golf

To develop a simple, comfortable and effective grip. Your grip is the foundation of your golf swing. Make sure your grip is comfortable. It is important to develop a neutral grip that requires no compensations during the swing. The orthodox position with the V.s of both hands (formed by the forefinger and the thumb) pointing between the chin and right shoulder is a good place to start. Very few good players have grips with the V.s pointing very far from this position. If you want a little stronger grip move the left hand over to the right a little.
...The Golf Channel

Mental Game Tip
Since I'm not a psychologist I will not try to get deeply into how the mind works during a game of golf -- who knows anyway? -- everybody's different smile But whether you call it Golf Psychology, or Sport Psychology, or The Mental Game, The Mental Side of Golf, Trying to Get into the Zone, whatever you call it, from my experience the mental side of the game of golf really boils down to something simple: The most important thing you can do mentally to give yourself the best possible chance of success is to focus your attention on what you want to have happen.
...PGA professional golf

The Hands
The hands should completely reverse themselves from address to impact. Notice how the left wrist is flat while the right has moved from flat to bent back (Above right). This position is a must.
...Golf Tips magazine

Many players do not truly understand this term, and its meaning. Some think it is hitting down on the ball. Not So! Trying to get the ball airborne is the move that disturbs this clubhead path. The loft of the clubface is sufficient to lift the ball. Attempting to lift the ball tends to open the clubface which will slice the ball and lose distance as well.
...Learn About Golf

Projecting to the target during the swing will not only help create accuracy, but encourage the body motions to swing the clubhead to and through the ball towards the target.
...Learn About Golf

More Golf News

Titleist Unveils First Blended Iron Set With Introduction of New Forged 735.CM Irons.

Mon, 08 Aug 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Combine benefits of cavity back long irons, shallow cavity mid irons and muscle back short irons in one set for optimum performance

Strong to the Finish

Mon, 15 May 2006 00:00:00 GMT

The #1 Ball in Golf

Thu, 08 Feb 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Titleist is the #1 ball for more players and more champions across the worldwide professional tours. In fact, in 2008, Titleist golf ball players have already recorded 17 victories around the world, as opposed to 4 for the nearest competitor. Since the introduction of the Pro V1 in 2000, the golf ball franchise has been the golf ball of choice for more than 1,000 champions worldwide.

Below is a listing of tournaments won by Titleist golf ball players on the major worldwide professional tours in 2008.

Breakthrough Performance For Axley at Valero Texas Open

Mon, 25 Sep 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Rookie Trusts Titleist from Tee-to-Green in Maiden PGA Tour Victory

PGA TOUR Player Brett Quigley Demonstrates How Yoga Can Improve Your Golf Game on ''Golf Fitness Academy presented by Titleist''

Mon, 30 Apr 2007 00:00:00 GMT

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