Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Headline News About Golf

Featured Golf Article

Instantly slash your golf score by creating perfect impact!

Sand Trap Tips

By Lee MacRae

Many golfers have a tremendous fear of sand traps and bunkers on the golf course. Let's take a look at some handy tips to improve your play from the bunkers.

When sand is wet or really firm, your sand wedge, with it's wide flange may very easily bounce off the surface and blade the ball. In such circumstances, it's better to use a pitching wedge or, when the flag is a long way off and you want your ball to run more, then use a seven, eight, or nine iron. Play your ball back in an open stance [much as you would do when playing a chip from the fairway] and position your hands just ahead of the ball. Unlike most sand shots, this one requires that you concentrate on hitting the ball first and not the sand. Work out your "landing area" before hitting the shot, and try to hit that area. If you miss it, don't worry. With all sand shots, it's far more important to get out the sand and to leave your ball close to the hole.

Excessive wrist action can wreck a golf shot. It usually leads to topping or blading, which in a greenside bunker can be especially ruinous. There is usually not much golf course around greens, and a ball blade is out of a bunker could end up in a water hazard, out of bounds, or in some other unplayable lie. It is a good idea, therefore to hit all sand shots with stiff wrists, even those that require you to cock your wrists early on the backswing. Remember; no wrists, no risk.

In general, a sand shot should be hit with a sand wedge, with both the stance and the clubface opened wide. The idea is to hit the sand and let it carry the ball out of the bunker. You should aim to make contact with the sand about two inches behind the ball and hit under and through. An important point here; with few exceptions, you should make a full fall through.

Knowing the basic techniques of bunker sand play and understanding the subtleties of the various problems you can encounter will actually lead you to even enjoy the play from a sand bunker. I'm sure these tips will help you to enjoy your next round of golf.

About the author

Lee MacRae runs several online stores where you can find a great golf putting aid or a great golf iron today!

Let's Talk About Golf

golf irons

Do I have to wear a collared shirt in order to play golf? The answer to that question is no, with shades of grey. Most public courses allow people to play golf without a collared shirt, however not all of them. What you might have already noticed is that many public courses are starting to become less and less strict about the type of apparel people are allowed to wear on their course.
To find out just go to golf.

golf equipment

There is a sprinkler system over the course to keep the grass green and fresh. Blower system is also present that sucks away any dirt and fallen leaves present on the golf course. There are many of the course equipment that neither we nor the player have ever listened. Nevertheless, howsoever these equipments need to purchase to maintain and keep the golf course up to date. Many people forget that there are certain equipments that are quite vital for water holes in a golf course.

golf swing trainers

Keeping fit. The positive benefits of making a repetitive swing between 70 and 100 times around, along with the distances covered on foot, all combine to eat up in excess of 1000 calories. This amount of activity controlled over 4 hours and 10Km, amounts to a very controlled gentle workout.
For additional information go to golf equipment.



Today's Golf News

Our Featured Golf Writer

If you want a great golf swing then get this Simple Golf Swing eBook

Sand Trap Tips

By Lee MacRae

Getting a good golf shot out of bunker or a sand trap can go along way to salvaging a golf hole. Here are a few tips that you can use to make your golf game better.

Here is a simple way of remembering how much to open a blade of your sand wedge. Taken an open stance, with your feet aiming to the left of the hole. Then simply open the clubface until it is aiming directly act of the hole. Now, swing outside-to-in across the ball, and your ball will pop out and bounce and roll slightly to the right, toward the hole.

One of the most awkward bunker shots calls for you to stand outside the bunker when your ball is inside it. This usually results in unpleasant bending and a loss of balance. The key here is not to bend the back and stretch out to the ball. Concentrat instead on bending the knees as much as possible. Think of weightlifters. You never see them bending over to pick up their weights. They bend their knees, grab the weights, then simply stand up. Their legs are doing the lifting. Your legs, too, should do the bending on these tough bunker shots.

If you find yourself in a sand bunker position where the ball is above your feet remember: do not simply lean back or attempt your swing on a flatter plane. You need to stand as you would for a normal lie. But now you choke down to the bottom of your grip to counter the change in elevation. With the clubface open , take the club back and outside your target line, now swing through along the line of your open stance. If you let your right hand pass over the left, the slope will send the ball left, so keep your hands quiet as the club cuts through the sand.

Once you have a feel for the basics of playing from sand, you can easily understand some of the finer points of bunker play, and you will find it easy to adapt your technique to different types of sand challenges and lies. Make your golf game more enjoyable with good sand play.

About the author

Lee MacRae runs several online stores where you can find a great beginners golf training aid or a great hybrid club today!

Let's Talk About Golf

beginners golf training aids

You may also be wondering what exactly constitutes a senior golfer. In the outside world a becoming a senior starts usually when you're 65. Not in golf, they jumped the gun and started classifying seniors starting at 50 to play on the senior tours. Some players may not want to be considered a senior that early. But it can only help you as the equipment will become easier to use. Heck some don't even wait until 50 if the senior golf equipment will help their game sooner.
For more information go to golf short game.

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Cart Golf Bags are made by dozens of manufacturers. Some of the major manufactures include Nike, Datrek, Bag Boy, Wilson, and Ogio. They also come in a variety of colors, sizes and weights. They are designed for the professional golfers and with the amateur man or woman golfer in mind. You can also find them with your favorite college or professional sport team�s logos and colors.
To learn more go to clone golf clubs.

golf short game

You know what to do: Yell "Fore!" as loud as you can. That is the international word of warning in golf. It lets golfers playing near you know that an errant golf ball might be heading their way, and they need to take cover.

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Golf equipment should contain a small selection of drivers and in this report, we'll look at some of the aspects required in the make up of this all important tee shot club.

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golf club


Headline News About Golf

Golf Article Of The Month

You will find a lot of easy tips and techniques in this eBook to quickly transform your golf game and add 20 yards to your drive!

Golf Tips To Improve Your Game

by Lee MacRae

Here are some great tips to help improve your game from tee-off to the final hole.

Many golfers try to emulate Tiger Woods. In fact, Tiger's "two-pivot swing" is considered the modern swing to model your own after. Here is a Tiger tip:

In your backswing, your upper body will turn and while turning, you want to let your left shoulder move across and to the right so that your left shoulder is above your right foot at the top of your backswing. Begin your forward swing as you always do but attempt to finish with your right shoulder above your left foot (as if you are moving slightly ahead of the shot). By doing so, you will finish your swing in a more vertical position and look like Tiger!

If you do this just right, you'll be rewarded with longer distance on your shot.

A common cause of tension lies in the grip. An improper grip, or one that is too tight, creates tension that continues up the arms, through the shoulders, down the body and to the legs is sure to wreck your swing. Tension is the greatest robber of motion. The result is a hitting action rather than a swinging motion. A correct grip can relieve the pressure; however, it's still possible to have a correct grip and hold on too tightly (tension).

A great way to keep the clubhead traveling down the target line after contact is to think of yourself as hitting two balls. Imagine a ball is positioned about 18 inches to 2 feet to the left [or right if you are left-handed] of the actual ball. After you hit the real ball, hit the imaginary ball as well, and to do that, you must have a full extension on the follow-through

These simple golf driving tips have proved effective in helping many golfers around the world improve their drives off the tee. Simply apply what you have read here to your own circumstances. Here's to your own improvement!

About the author

Lee MacRae runs several online stores where you can find a great indoor putting green or a great golf hybrid club today!

Quick Golf Ideas

golf swing trainers

Keeping fit. The positive benefits of making a repetitive swing between 70 and 100 times around, along with the distances covered on foot, all combine to eat up in excess of 1000 calories. This amount of activity controlled over 4 hours and 10Km, amounts to a very controlled gentle workout.
For additional information go to golf equipment.

golf putting aids

There are many benefits of using a powered caddy over a traditional pull trolley. With the manual option, you are required to walk around in a bent forward and twisted position. Which after a while can in my experience cause back and shoulder pain, thus negating the benefit of a trolley?
To learn more go to golf training aids.

golf training aids

Thanks to the popularity of golf, there are many golf gadgets available today. As more people want to play the game, more ways are sought to improve their game. The once steady golf industry has now expanded to a much larger industry. Some companies are built around only one piece of golf equipment. Golf gadgets available range from some incredibly useful golf aids to some slightly more ridiculous items. Here are some of the options.
To learn more go to beginners golf training aids.