Thursday, May 08, 2008

Headline News About Golf

If you want a great golf swing then get this Simple Golf Swing eBook

Is Your Practice Swing Better Than Your Real Swing?

By: Jonathan Barrett

Why is my practice swing often better than my real golf swing?

When I understood the answer to this question it made a big difference to my golf swing. How many golfers do you see on the tee making a nice free practice swing and then duff or slice the ball with their real swing? It happens doesn't it, it happens a lot. Well, I came to realise that when I understood the journey that the golf club needs to take around your body then I also realised where so many amateur golfers were going wrong with the difference between their practice swing and their real swing.

You see when you understand that the golf swing is about technique not aggression then your body starts to work differently.

When you make your practice swing you remain relaxed and free moving. When you make your real swing you immediately start to tense the big muscles in your body particularly your back and shoulders. Your brain starts telling you body 'look guys if we want to hit this ball a mile then we need to put loads of effort it' - WRONG!

Next time you swing - remember to keep your back and shoulder muscles relaxed so that your real swing is as good and as free as your practice swing.

Remember the proper and most efficient golf swing is all about technique not aggression.

The answer to this question lies in the way we think the golf swing works - we need to convince ourselves that the Pro Golfers swing works - Power without effort - and we too will follow their lead.

A good exercise to demonstrate that loose muscles work better than tense muscles is to try running down your garden with loose muscles then tense your muscles and try again - the difference is dramatic isn't it and the golf swing is no different, we need to keep our muscles relaxed for them to work effectively.

Tensing prior to moving doesn't help - you need to relax to let your muscles work properly at the right point in your swing.

One of the main problems that generates this tensing motion is caused by the way many amateur golfers practice. How many golfers have you seen at the golf range who go straight for their driver and start trying to knock the ball out of the range? Many I would guess. These golfers are simply trying too hard. Golfers should concentrate on accuracy on the range not distance i.e. how close can I hit it to a line from me to the target?

One way of practising that takes out the need to try and knock the skin off the ball is to use plastic balls, you know the ones you can by from the golf shop. Once you start hitting these balls you quickly realise you can't hit these balls 300 yards so don't try to. It results in you concentrating far better on technique. They also have the added benefit that you only need about 30 yards of space to practice in.

Jon Barrett WAS a frustrated golfer who studied the golf swing for 5 about his eye opening concepts:

Center Shafted Putters

Golf Stance Tips: After you have gripped your club correctly it's time to address your stance. Both the grip and stance tips are key to any driver golf swing tip as well. Your feet should be approximately shoulder width or bit more apart. You should feel as if your weight is distributed 50/50 between your front and back foot. Now this is one of the key points I've learned over the years that have been instrumental in improving my golf swing, and it is aiming.
Get greater distance on your drives with great Slazenger golf balls from our store.

Golf Bags

Imagine there is a line drawn from the toes of your rear foot to the toes of your front foot and continuing on down the fairway. This is the path to which you are aiming your shot. If you're looking for some good golf swing drills to practice this is a good one, place a club or broom stick across the front of your feet and step away to see where you've aimed your shot. Most beginner golfers realize that they weren't aimed where they wanted at all. The best fix for this is to pick a point 120-240 in front of you that is in line with where you want to aim. Square your stance up to that point rather then trying to aim for a spot one hundred or more yards down the fairway. This will drastically improve your accuracy and allow you to concentrate more on hitting the ball well.
Get greater distance on your drives with great Strata golf balls from our online store.

Travel Golf Bags

Golf Tips Chipping: golf short game tips are the ones that can actually make the biggest difference in your overall score. While they're not the most fun to practice they do make up the majority of our game. Probably the best golf tips on chipping I have received are the ones that taught me to use higher lofted clubs in and around the green. What do I mean by that? Well when we watch the pros play on TV we see them make beautiful chip shots that soar upwards then stick when they hit the green. This has taken them years of practice to achieve, so it's not likely we're able to duplicate it. How ever, if you want consistency around the green consider using an 8 iron for further away chip shots and aim to land your ball 15-20 feet before your target. This is known as a bump and run where the ball spends about 60% of its time in the air and the rest rolling. It's a much easier shot to control, and will give you more confidence in your short game.
Get greater distance on your drives with great Titleist golf balls from our store.

Titleist Tour Report: Booz Allen Classic

Fri, 23 Jun 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Check out this week's Titleist Tour Report from the Booz Allen Classic, featuring full line Titleist staff player, Brett Quigley.

Major Victory for Ogilvy, Titleist

Mon, 19 Jun 2006 00:00:00 GMT

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